Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Makayla's Nystagmus Prior to Surgery

Here is a video I took today of Makayla's eyes.  This is one day before her surgery and one day before turning 20 months old.  I took this video right after I woke her up from her nap.  She was still really tired and groggy, and although, I have read that it's normal for nystagmus to get more pronounced when a person is tired, I've actually noticed that in Makayla's case, it seems to quiet it a bit.

Makayla's nystagmus can be very wild at times, and almost non-existant at others.  I have noticed some improvement over the last month or so.  I would say we have more "quiet" time than we do where it's wild.

Of course, as her eyes heal I'll post more videos for comparison.

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